I’m running version 12.2.1 and the issue is that it is not possible to add several MySQL instances to the same MySQL server. As for example:
New backup job 1:
Hostname: testdb
MySQL port: 3321
Username: test
Password: test
New backup job 2:
Hostname: testdb
MySQL port: 3322
Username: test
Password: test
Both backup jobs will get the port of the last saved job,that is the issue, i.e. both job 1 and 2 will get the same portnumber in this case 3322 if backup job 2 was after backup job 1.
If you need to connect to your MySQL Server to backup databases with different credentials or with different ports then please specify Server name like:
localhost /* any description of the connection */ localhost /* connection for the second user */ localhost /* any other connection */
and use different credentials or ports.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Hitting this problem too. I’m running SqlBackupAndFTP on my local system, connecting to multiple remote servers (shared hosting servers where I can’t run the tool locally). In one case there are two databases to backup, with different connection parameters (username/password). If I set the username for one job, it also sets it for the other - there’s no way to get separate credentials for the two, and using Localhost isn’t an option as mentioned above.
The workaround I’ve found is to make sure the server names are different - so I refer to one connection by domain name, the other by IP address, and that seems to do the trick.
The problem I now have is that intermittently the connections fail with a message “Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure” (which is shown as a warning) followed by an error “Access denied”. The exact same connection definition works about one time in four…
With SQLBackupAndFTP you can connect to your MySQL Server to backup databases with different credentials or with different ports. You can find the wat how to do it in our reply above in this thread.
Thanks Alexander. Yes, as per my message, I’ve worked around by referring to the servers differently. The “password on the command line” problem remains, however. It seems the backup works for one database on the server, but NOT (ever) for the other. The connection settings are identical (apart from different subdomain name, username+password, and database name). This is a remote connection so storing the password in the environment doesn’t negate the need to pass it on the command line.
at first, congrats for this great software, we use it for some years now and i also recommended it alerady to some colegues.
After we changed our hoster, i ran into the same issue as other describe above. Same server, different credentials for different databases.
Unfortunately, the workouround above doesn’t solve the issue when a ssh session is used (which we are forced to).
The error message notes that there’s no mysql.exe in the backup destination folder. Could you assist me with this error?