Backups are failing to google drive with the error message
6/2018 06:19 Connecting to Google Drive destination “removed”
20/06/2018 06:19 Destination error: Unexpected response status code “Completed”. Status description: “Bad Request”. ErrorMessage: “Invalid integer value: ‘’.”. ErrorException: “”.
20/06/2018 06:19 Trying again…
The application is up to date.
I have added an additional backup destination using OneDrive, to only use that if the target destination fails…
I can see the upload fail (4 times) and then try OneDrive, this works for the first database but the app then hangs when backing up the next database… nit sure if that is related?
I’m getting the same message.
Failed to get folder information. > Unexpected response status code “Completed”. Status description: “Bad Request”. ErrorMessage: "Invalid integer value: “.”. ErrorException: “”.
Same error here on 2 different servers and all backups. Running 11.7.0 - updated yesterday. Seems related…
This is known issue and we’ll fix it as soon as we can.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have updated to the latest version 11.7.1 and all is working 
Thanks for the quick update.
Interestingly, backup to OneDrive took approx 10 mins and backup to Google drive took approx 3 mins.
Hi Sacha,
We have fixed this issue in SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.7.1. Could you please upgrade to the latest version and check it? To upgrade please click “Help” > “Check for updates…”, or download the latest release at
Sorry for the inconvenience.