hi i updated the software to 12.2.11 the software in feezed on startup screen , i have a licence for software.
i tried to uninstall and reinstall and even to install old version …same thing happened.
i have been using software for two years now, every thing was ok till 1 months ago!
Hello kifah_blal,
Thank you for the details.
To investigate this case we need more details. Could you please send us:
- Windows Event Log (Application and System)
- Please save the NLog.config file https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsxhu9gz1k0rqf5/NLog.config?dl=0 into the application folder, by default it “C:\Program Files\SQLBackupAndFTP”, restart “SQLBackupAndFTP (SQL Server backup)” Windows Service. Once the issue will be reproduced please send us all log files from “C:\Log\SqlBak” folder.
To make the information private, please send the details to support@sqlbackupandftp.com
Sorry for the inconvenience.