So I’m trying to upgrade from v10 to latest v12, and after installation my previous jobs were imported. But now I can’t do anything within the app. Can’t edit existing jobs, can’t add new ones. Just get the error "SQL Connection is not specified. Job: “SqlBackupAndFtpDaily.jobx”.
I thought it was an issue with importing, but I can’t even add new jobs. Any help would be appreciated.

I’ve also just noticed that v10 has no jobs listed, I assumed I could trial v12 and v10 jobs would remain as is in case I abort the upgrade!
Hi John_Kamau,
Could you please send us your *.jobx file to check it? To make it private please send it to support@sqlbackupandftp.com
Also, you can try to resolve the issue in the following way:
- Stop SQLBackupAndFTP (SQL Server backup) Windows Service
- Remove the following directory C:\ProgramData\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\
- Run SQLBackupAndFTP (SQL Server backup) Windows Service
- Create a new job
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for your reply. I figured out myself eventually. If anyone upgrading from v10 to v12 encounters this error. Do this.
- Backup your jobx files
- Delete all the jobs from v12 of the app and restart the app
- The app will now create a temp job and you can now connect to your sql server.
- Import your jobx files back and optionally delete the temp job that was created
This resolved it for me.