Specify "Initial database"


I want to make backups of an SQL server database, hosted in the managed infrastructure of an external software vendor, on which we have read rights.

In other SQL clients, like Navicat, I can specify an initial database to connect to, be it our database. If I omit that parameter, then I cannot login, when I add it, the login works.

The UI of SQLBackupAndFTP requires me to first connect to a server, and only afterwards select the relevant database(s). This is not working, I’m getting connection errors. Is there any way I can specify the initial database in the “Connect to server” window?

I tried adding it to the server name (genre servername;database=xxx) but that didn’t work.

Thanks for your recommendations!


Thank you for your message.

If you are referring to SQL Server, unfortunately, SQLBackupAndFTP cannot create backups in this case because our application must be installed on the same server as the SQL Server instance to access and backup databases.


I thought this was possible, reading How to backup remote SQL Server database using SQLBackupAndFTP – SQLBackupAndFTP's blog?


Thank you for your response.

To clarify, SQLBackupAndFTP does not currently support specifying an initial database in the connection string when connecting to the server. The application requires a successful server connection first, after which you can select the relevant database(s).

OK, too bad, thanks for clarifying that. Would love to use (or even buy) the tool if this option would ever be provided!


Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your interest in our tool.

While this option is not currently available, I will share your suggestion with our development team for future consideration.