Our office service is 200MB down, 7MB up, yet when we run backups to S3 and Google Drive we never see performance higher than 1 MB. Backups to a local NAS run about 19MB, which is what we would expect. I find no spot to specify any upload throttling within the application. How can I achieve faster uploads?
To increase uploading speed to Amazon S3 please use increase threads number at the Amazon S3 destination settings window.
Could you please try to upload a backup file to your Google Drive manually and check the uploading speed?
can you please tell me what path i should insert in the Path field?
i have data in my physical server which is a physical computer, i want to send my sql backup to s3 buckets.
but when i tried a test connection it gives error , buckets doesnt exists.
You can specify the path like BackupFolder/Subfolder.
My Google Drive is very slow. How can I correct?
Hi Jader_Michael_Vasque,
Could you please clarify your question?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
My internet has good upload connection speed, but SQLBackup&FTP upload rate is too low. See the reports below.
31/08/2021 22:00 Iniciando job agendado “FILES” - “Full”. Computador “S*--**--". App v.“11.6.1”
31/08/2021 22:00 A pasta de backup ":*--**\backup" tem “465,079GB” de espaco livre. A pasta temporária ":*--\backup" tem “465,079GB” de espaco livre.
31/08/2021 22:00 Copiando os bancos de dados ".\SQL--*” LocalSqlServer
31/08/2021 22:00 Buscando tamanho máximo de arquvo…
31/08/2021 22:00 O tamanho máximo de arquivo: “4882,813GB”
31/08/2021 22:00 Copiando pastas
31/08/2021 22:00 Copiando a pasta “--1" em D:*--1
31/08/2021 22:00 Comprimindo a pasta "D:*--1" com o arquivador Interno Criptografia: “Desligado”
01/09/2021 05:49 Cópia de "D:*--1" foi comprimida com sucesso para "(-*-*1202108312200.zip : 138,314GB)”
01/09/2021 05:49 Copiando a pasta “--2" em D:*--2
01/09/2021 05:49 Comprimindo a pasta "D:*--2" com o arquivador Interno Criptografia: “Desligado”
01/09/2021 06:36 Cópia de "D:*--2" foi comprimida com sucesso para "(-*-*2202109010549.zip : 14,687GB)”
01/09/2021 06:36 Copiando a pasta “--3" em D:*--3
01/09/2021 06:36 Comprimindo a pasta "D:*--3" com o arquivador Interno Criptografia: “Desligado”
01/09/2021 08:22 Cópia de "D:*--3" foi comprimida com sucesso para "(-*-*3202109010636.zip : 33,961GB)”
01/09/2021 08:22 Copiando a pasta “--4" em D:*--4
01/09/2021 08:22 Comprimindo a pasta "D:*--4" com o arquivador Interno Criptografia: “Desligado”
01/09/2021 08:38 Cópia de "D:*--4" foi comprimida com sucesso para "(-*-*4202109010822.zip : 5,045GB)”
01/09/2021 08:38 Conectando ao destino Google Drive “vm*--”
01/09/2021 08:38 O destino atual da pasta é “/Backups/Files”
01/09/2021 08:38 Enviando backup de “--1" para o destino Google Drive "vm--”
01/09/2021 08:38 Lendo informacão da pasta: “--1"
01/09/2021 08:38 Carregando "--1202108312200.zip" local para remoto "--1202108312200.zip" na pasta "/Backups/Files/--1"
01/09/2021 21:24 Carregado 100 % (average speed = 3,3 MB/s)
01/09/2021 21:24 Verificando o arquivo remoto "--1202108312200.zip" com o local "--1202108312200.zip"
01/09/2021 21:48 Desconectando do destino Google Drive "vm--*”
01/09/2021 21:48 Conectando ao destino Google Drive “vm*--”
01/09/2021 21:48 O destino atual da pasta é “/Backups/Files”
01/09/2021 21:48 Enviando backup de “--2" para o destino Google Drive "vm--”
01/09/2021 21:48 Lendo informacão da pasta: “--2"
01/09/2021 21:48 Carregando "--2202109010549.zip" local para remoto "--2202109010549.zip" na pasta "/Backups/Files/--2"
01/09/2021 23:02 Carregado 100 % (average speed = 3,4 MB/s)
01/09/2021 23:02 Verificando o arquivo remoto "--2202109010549.zip" com o local "--2202109010549.zip"
01/09/2021 23:04 Desconectando do destino Google Drive "vm--*”
01/09/2021 23:04 Conectando ao destino Google Drive “vm*--”
01/09/2021 23:04 O destino atual da pasta é “/Backups/Files”
01/09/2021 23:04 Enviando backup de “--3" para o destino Google Drive "vm--”
01/09/2021 23:04 Lendo informacão da pasta: “--3"
01/09/2021 23:04 Carregando "--3202109010636.zip" local para remoto "--3202109010636.zip" na pasta "/Backups/Files/--3"
02/09/2021 02:22 Carregado 100 % (average speed = 2,9 MB/s)
02/09/2021 02:22 Verificando o arquivo remoto "--3202109010636.zip" com o local "--3202109010636.zip"
02/09/2021 02:27 Desconectando do destino Google Drive "vm--*”
02/09/2021 02:27 Conectando ao destino Google Drive “vm*--”
02/09/2021 02:27 O destino atual da pasta é “/Backups/Files”
02/09/2021 02:27 Enviando backup de “--4" para o destino Google Drive "vm--”
02/09/2021 02:27 Lendo informacão da pasta: “--4"
02/09/2021 02:27 Carregando "--4202109010822.zip" local para remoto "--4202109010822.zip" na pasta "/Backups/Files/--4"
02/09/2021 03:03 Carregado 100 % (average speed = 2,4 MB/s)
02/09/2021 03:03 Verificando o arquivo remoto "--4202109010822.zip" com o local "--4202109010822.zip"
02/09/2021 03:04 Desconectando do destino Google Drive "vm--*”
02/09/2021 03:04 Limpando backups no job “FILES”
02/09/2021 03:04 Limpando backups de “--1" pasta em Google Drive destino "vm--”
02/09/2021 03:04 Limpando backups de “--2" pasta em Google Drive destino "vm--”
02/09/2021 03:04 Limpando backups de “--3" pasta em Google Drive destino "vm--”
02/09/2021 03:04 Limpando backups de “--4" pasta em Google Drive destino "vm--”
02/09/2021 03:04 Job “FILES” finalizado
Conclusion: there is some problem with the SQLBackup&FTP software, as the upload rate reaches 10mb, but through the application it is around 3mb, which is causing a very high backup time.
Please, help me.
Hi Jader_Michael_Vasque,
Thank you for the details.
It seems you use an old version - 11.6.1, could you please upgrade to the latest release - version 12.5.13 and check if it works for you?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I already thought about doing this.
The problem is if I update and the problem persists.
Then I will have invested some money for nothing.
Hi Jader_Michael_Vasque,
We have checked the issue and can confirm that everything works smoothly and there are no issues with SQLBackupAndFTP.
SQLBackupAndFTP does not limit the speed of uploading data in any way, most likely you faced some kind of network issues between your server and Google server.
Sorry, but we can do nothing here.
Sorry for the inconvenience.