I just purchased the software and I am really happy with it, I created 9 backup jobs and they work regularly.
Just, using the interface, when I change job, the interface freezes for a 5-10 seconds before showing the details of the selected job.
I am using version 12.7.10.
To resolve the issue, we need more details. Could you please provide us with the Advanced Log How to send Log to developers? Once the log will be sent, please notify us and provide with your App ID (“Help” > “About”).
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Thank you for the logs. We checked them, but it seems the issue hasn’t been reproduced. Could you please enable the Advanced Log, reproduce the issue and once the issue will be reproduced, please send the logs to our dev team?
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Dear @Alexander ,
I am just back from Xmas holidays. So ok, I did that. The advanced log (level: debug) shown some errors, and the “lag” of 10-13 seconds that I experience when I select a profile on the interface.
My Application ID is always 00501893-727e-4cb2-b288-6da71bc8c97d, you should find the log in your log collector.
Dear Alexander,
thank you for your support.
I run vacuum.bat from a cmd session using an administrative account and the program run without problems.
Just: I still see some errors in the log files, so I send you again the logs from the application.
Also: The change of job is still very slow, but only if I switch job in less than 5 seconds from the previous change. Probably some asynchronous operation (the connection to the target of the job?) miss a cancelation ticket to be fired when a change of job occurs.
Hello Alexander,
I installed the Alpha version, unfortunately nothing changes.
Maybe there is something that in your development environment you cannot reproduce… for example in my production environment, the server running SqlBackupAndFtp is behind a firewall and can connect only to the port 3306 of the source servers. Or… if you need some more information I will be glad to help.
Consider that this issue is not a big inconvenience, it is just a bit slow if I have to perform some change or take a look to all the profiles.
I uploaded again the logs again, I hope to be helpful.
Sorry, but it seems there is nothing we can recommend you in this case. We can also confirm that none of our other clients have contacted us with such a problem.
Hello Alexander, no problem.
The issue doesn’t have a big impact on the program stability and functionality.
I hope you will find and solve the issue in one of the next releases, in the while I am available if you need to dig the issue, make some tests or need more info.