Schedule Restore DB + LAST from folder

Trying to scheduled a restore of the same DB from the last backup available and overwrite.

"SqlBak.Job.Cli.exe -runJob -jobName “RestoreJOBname” works most timeson .bat file and Windwos Scheduler.
But errors sometimes : “Restore list is empty! Please select database for restore!” .

By opening SQLBackupAndFTP and choosing (again) under “Select database to restore” LAST. it works for another day or so… No sure why is is empty - it seems it forgets to use Last ?

Is there a way to make sure the job uses always LAST?

Your input will be highly appreciated.

At the moment we are using on this machine the free version. We also have 2x machine paid version o other servers. Regards.

Hi Francisco_Graca,

We have just released the Alpha edition with the complete new restore job. Could you please install it and check if it works for you?

Sorry for the inconvenience.