Hi SqlBackupAndFTP
I have a problem with you nice program
(And it is version 11.7.3)
When I try to make a backup Job and I select a Remote SQL Server, I get the following from the program,
When I click on “Save & Close” button I get this message:

And I need to make backup from remote SQL Server.
If I use Local SQL Server, it can save the SQL server configuration.
But my SQL Server is remote as I can not make BAK file.
Please help.
This page tell about how to use Remote SQL Server:
Remote sql server backups explained
But it does not tell about this Error I get.

Hi Rolf,
To investigate this case we need more details.
Could you please enable the advanced log, reproduce the issue and send us logs to check them. Please find more details on how to do it at https://sqlbackupandftp.com/blog/how-to-send-log-to-developers Please let us know when the logs will be sent.
Also, could you please send us your backup job configurations to check them. You can find them by clicking “Tools” > “Configuration Manager…” > “Export”. To make it private, please sent it to support@sqlbackupandftp.com
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Hi Alexander
I’ve “send Log to Developers”

Configuration file is sent to support@sqlbackupandftp.com
Hi Rolf,
Thanks for the details. Please give us some time to investigate this case.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Rolf,
We have checked your logs, to resolve this issue, please open “Connect to Server” window and add space after your server name.

This issue will be resolved in the next release.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

I get the error in the picture in the attachment, such as authorization error, but where do I need to authorize
Hi Fatih,
To connect to your remote SQL Server please use SQL Server authentication method, currently, there is no way to connect under the Windows Authentication, but we are working to add this option.
Sorry for the inconvenience.