How can I install a license on a server without internet connection.
A proxy is also not available.
Kind Regards,
Arie Verkerk
How can I install a license on a server without internet connection.
A proxy is also not available.
Kind Regards,
Arie Verkerk
Is it possible to active the license off-line?
Hi Arie,
Sorry, but there is no way to activate SQLBackupAndFTP license without an Internet connection. For the correct work, SQLBackupAndFTP requires a stable Internet connection. During a day the application checks the license key and if it fails to connect to check the license, it resets to Free edition.
I am working on an proxy connection. I have created the file “ConnectionSettings”… but now I have the error "net.pipe://localhost…etc… Something to do with a timeout. Is there someting I need to change?
I am making progress, now I have the notification when I start SQLBackupAndFTP: "Can’t validate the license information. The request channel timed out attempting to send after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value… etc…
Am I a step closer to validating the license?
Thank you for the details.
We have just released SQLBackupAndFTP 11.5.2 with “Proxy settings” dialog. Could you please install the latest release, set your proxy settings and try to enter the license key again?
I have a closed environment where internet connection cannot be provided to the server for security reasons and regulations.
How can I activate the product is this case?
For the correct work of SQLBackupAndFTP, and for the license activation your license you need to have a stable internet connection. Sorry, but there is no way to activate your license without the internet connection.
Could you please clarify, do you use a Proxy Server?