Hello, after installing the Test Version of the Software and testing a connection to db there comes the error-message:
Connect to Server
dbxxxx.xxxxxdbserver.com test failed.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘pxxxxxx’@'xx.xx.xx.xx (using password: YES)
I have already installed the alpha-version of your software, but the issue stays the same.
Hi Oliver_Sippel,
To investigate this case we need more details. Could you please click on the “info” button at the “Connect to Server” window then copy the command and execute it via the Command Prompt to check if you get an error message?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I get the same error message, when I execute it via Command Prompt.
Hi Oliver_Sippel,
Thanks for the details. Sorry, but if you are not able to connect to your MySQL Server manually, via Command Prompt, then you will not be able to connect using SQLBackupAndFTP. Sorry, but this issue cannot be resolved from our side, please contact your databases administrator to check this case and establish a connection to your MySQL Server manually.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello, now, with another DB-User, i can connect manually with the server. The respond is:
Database |
information_schema |
usr_pxxxxxx_4 |
But i still cant connect via your software. What is the issue now?
Hello Oliver_Sippel,
Thank you for the details.
To investigate this case we need more information. Could you please enable your advanced log with the “Trace” level, reproduce the issue and send logs to our dev team. Here are more details on how to do it How to send Log to developers | SQLBackupAndFTP's blog
Note! With the “Trace” level, a log can contain your passwords. Before sending the log to dev team please open it using any text editor and remove the information you prefer to keep in secret. You can find them by clicking the “Open folder” link at the “Advanced Log” window (“Tools” > “Advanced Log…”).
Please let us know when the logs will be sent and provide us with your Application ID (“Help” > “About”).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello, i have sent the log with application id f36543ca-f683-4805-a50f-85ea9dec9265
Hi Oliver_Sippel
Thanks for the logs, please give us some time to check them.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello Oliver_Sippel,
Thanks for the details. Could you please try to specify a user from behalf whom you can successfully run via Command Promot at the “User Account” window.
From the information we have, this is the only difference between running via Command Prompt and SQLBackupAndFTP.
Tried this and got the same Error Message. Sent you a new Log file.
Hello Oliver_Sippel,
Thanks for the logs, please give us some time to check them.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello Oliver_Sippel,
We have checked this issue and sorry, but it cannot be resolved from our side. Could you please double check if ‘pxxxxxx’@‘xx.xx.xx.xx’ user has enough permissions to connect to MySQL and list databases?
Sorry for the inconvenience.