Have have roughly 30 backups running and most of them failed last night with the following error message. It looks like there was a new version of the software updtaed and it does not create the full directory structure …\SFB\Backup but only …\FSB
7:48:24 am Failed to backup “clubmaster” database with “Full” backup type: mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysqldump: Can’t create/write to file ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\backup\clubmaster202103180748.sql’ (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)
Can you please advise what could have happened on all these different computers to give the same error
Hi Johannes,
Same here, all instances that are updated to 12.5.0 are failing the backup jobs after that.
I could solve it by reselecting the ‘temporary folder’ for each job. Cumbersome, but it works afterwoods.
@support: I think v12.5.0 fails if the old job definitions had no value configured for ‘temporary folder’ prior to the update. If the setting had a value before, the update would succeed without that issue.
BfN, Konrad
Thank you very much. Yes I see setting a temp folder works. If I manually create the …\sfb\backup folder it also works.
Lets hope they release a quick update to fix, as you say quite tedious to go and fix 3 servers manually 
Hello guys,
Yes, this is a known issue and we are working to fix it. Please give us some time, we’ll keep you updated.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi guys,
Thank you for waiting.
We’ve fixed the issue in the SQLBackupAndFTP version 12.5.1. Could you please upgrade the application “Help” > “Check for updates” and check if it works?
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for using SQLBackupAndFTP.
Morning guys,
The fix worked for me. I went back to the empty temp folder config and tested and it failed, then I updated to 12.5.1 and re-tested and it worked without any further changes required.
BfN, Konrad
Yes 15.1 working fine. Thanks for prompt fix.
That’s great! Thank you for the feedback.
Please feel free to contact us on any issues or concerns.