This is the log, can someone help?
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Starting scheduled job “Backup Databases " - “Differential”. Computer “WIN-AGQPPB74TS1”. App v.“12.2.3”
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Connecting to SQL Server: 2017 RTM Enterprise Edition (64-bit). WIN-AGQPPB74TS1
4/23/2019 10:00 PM The backup folder “backup” has “268.229GB” free space. The temporary folder backup” has “268.229GB” free space
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Backing up “WIN-AGQPPB74TS1” SQL Server databases
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Getting maximum file size…
4/23/2019 10:00 PM The maximum file size: “”
4/23/2019 10:00 PM The previous Full backup of “Marketplace” database has failed. Creating Full backup.
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Backing up “Marketplace” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Enabled”
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Verifying “Marketplace” database backup
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Failed to backup “Marketplace” database with “Full” backup type: Type ‘’ cannot be .
4/23/2019 10:00 PM The previous Full backup of “ForumsData” database has failed. Creating Full backup.
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Backing up “ForumsData” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Enabled”
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Verifying “ForumsData” database backup
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Failed to backup “ForumsData” database with “Full” backup type: Type ‘’ cannot be .
4/23/2019 10:00 PM The previous Full backup of “PWeb” database has failed. Creating Full backup.
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Backing up “PWeb” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Enabled”
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Verifying “PWeb” database backup
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Failed to backup “PWeb” database with “Full” backup type: Type ‘’ cannot be .
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Cleaning up backups of "Backup Databases " job
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Job "Backup Databases " finished with “3” errors
4/23/2019 10:00 PM Sending job log to