Hi I have the following error. Just wanted to see if it is a SQLBackupandFtp issue or something else.
7/30/2021 4:30 AM Starting scheduled job "Ignition Server " - “Full”. Server “55571CC”. Account “SYSTEM@WORKGROUP”. App v.“12.5.13”.
7/30/2021 4:30 AM Connecting to: (8.0.26). localhost.
7/30/2021 4:30 AM The backup folder “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\1e0a6ceb-00cd-4786-be64-2fcd911e318c\backup” has “45.327GB” free space. The temporary folder “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\1e0a6ceb-00cd-4786-be64-2fcd911e318c” has “45.327GB” free space.
7/30/2021 4:30 AM Backing up “localhost” databases with “mysqldump.exe: Ver 8.0.13 for Win64 on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)”
7/30/2021 4:30 AM Backing up “newignition” with “Full” backup type.
7/30/2021 4:49 AM Failed to backup “newignition” database with “Full” backup type: mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write
7/30/2021 4:49 AM Cleaning up backups of "Ignition Server " job.
7/30/2021 4:49 AM Job "Ignition Server " finished with “1” errors.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
Thank you.