I have a new version of 11.7.1 Lite SqlBackupAndFtp. I’ve set automatic deletion for 3 days and backups are not automatically deleted. I have to manually login to the FTP server and delete the files. Can you help me, please ?
I have a new version of 11.7.1 Lite SqlBackupAndFtp. I’ve set automatic deletion for 3 days and backups are not automatically deleted. I have to manually login to the FTP server and delete the files. Can you help me, please ?
To investigate this case we need more details. Could you please enable the “Advanced log”, reproduce the issue, and send logs to our developers. Please find more details on how to do it at https://sqlbackupandftp.com/blog/how-to-send-log-to-developers
Also, could you please send us your backup job configurations, you can do it by clicking “Tools” > “Configuration Manager” > “Export”.
Sorry for the inconvenience.