I get this error when I try to restore database from backed up file
Failed to restore “PayPlusTEst” database. Archive “UHGL2202112182200.zip” does not contains valid database backup file.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Connecting to “Remote SQL Server”: “”.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Connected to “2014 RTM Standard Edition (64-bit)”.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Uncompressing “C:\Users\rklufio.UHGL\Downloads\UHGL2202112182200.zip” file with Internal archiver.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Failed to restore “PayPlusTEst” database. Archive “UHGL2202112182200.zip” does not contains valid database backup file.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Job execution error: Archive “UHGL2202112182200.zip” does not contains valid database backup file. Server name: “SYSADMIN”.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Deleting temporary files.
12/20/2021 12:38 PM Job “Restore Job - 2” finished with “2” errors.
Hi Reuben_Klufio,
It seems you try to restore a .bak file using the remote connection.
To resolve the issue, please use the local connection to restore the .bak files.
Please find more details about the remote backups at https://sqlbackupandftp.com/blog/remote-sql-server-backups-explained
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Thank you!
Hi Alexander,
The reason I opted for this software is to enable me backup my database to a remote location incase my Server fails/crashes. If the remote restore connection doesn’t work, it defeats the purpose of getting the software in the first place. Please I need to resolve this ASAP. Thank you
Hi Reuben_Klufio,
To restore the backups to your remote SQL Server you have to use Script (.sql) file, sorry, but there is no way to restore the .bak files using the remote connection.
BAK (*.bak) files can be restored with the local SQL Server connection.
Sorry, but that is how it works.
A detailed explanation of the remote/local SQL Server connections you can find in the article we sent you in the previous reply. Here is it Remote SQL Server backups explained | SQLBackupAndFTP's blog
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.