Hello, so suddenly i started to have this problema and i can’t really understand it. Any help would be reallly apreciated.
09/04/2021 20:11 Starting job "Backup Job - 1 " - “Full”. Server “WIN-JPOB3LKGASA”. Account “SYSTEM@WORKGROUP”. App v.“”.
09/04/2021 20:11 Connecting to: 5.0.2. localhost/phpmyadmin/.
09/04/2021 20:11 The backup folder “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\42debc5a-74ca-423d-baa9-826848f13cce\backup” has “42,882GB” free space. The temporary folder “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\42debc5a-74ca-423d-baa9-826848f13cce” has “42,882GB” free space.
09/04/2021 20:11 Backing up “localhost/phpmyadmin/” databases with “Custom parser: 4.*”
09/04/2021 20:11 Failed to backup “s1974_essentialmode” database with “Full” backup type: Failed to create database dump > Failed to export database dump
09/04/2021 20:11 Cleaning up backups of "Backup Job - 1 " job.
09/04/2021 20:11 Job "Backup Job - 1 " finished with “1” errors.
Hi Filipe_Cerqueira,
To investigate this case we need more details. Could you please provide us with test access to your phpMyAdmin? To make it private, please send it to support@sqlbackupandftp.com
Also, we recommend you try to use MySQL Server (TCP/IP) as your server type during the connection.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi. I’ve been using SQLBackup software for months and suddently, a few days ago, I started having the same issue as related here.
I’m using XAMPP with Apache and MySQL.
Could you please help me?
Hi Tiago_Correia,
PhpMyAdmin has no API. We work with it by emulating browser behavior. However, not everything is so simple, there are many different phpMyAdmin implementations, for example, hostings can modify the original phpMyAdmin.
PhpMyAdmin 5.1 was recently released, we made some improvements to make SQLBackupAndFTP works with this phpMyAdmin version. Perhaps something went wrong in the versions of phpMyAdmin that were modified by the hosts when the version was incremented.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
How can I solve this problem?
Hi Humberto_Navarro,
Could you please install the latest release of SQLBackupAndFTP version 12.5.10 Download SQLBackupAndFTP - SQL Server Backup Software and check if it works for you?
Sorry for the inconvenience.