Connection test: The system cannot find the path specified

Good afternoon.

We are installing the program on a server with Windows Server 2019 using .NET Framework 4.7.2. We have imported the configuration from another PC that has been running for years.

When checking the connection to the DB server, we get the following error:


We have found two threads on the forum that have not solved the problem for us.

Could it be due to port restrictions?


Hello Jordi,

Thank you for getting in touch with us.

Could you please go to your connection settings, press on the info button, copy the command and run it using the Command Prompt to check the connection.

Please make sure you specified the password during the connection via Command Prompt.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Good morning.

Thank you for your reply.
Please find attached a screenshot of the requested test.

Thank you

Hello Jordi,

Thank you for your feedback.

Please remove “–html” from the command before you execute it.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Hello Oleg,

Thank you

Hi Jordi,

For further investigation, we need more details. Could you please provide us with the Advanced Log? You can find more details at How to send Log to developers | SQLBackupAndFTP's blog.

Once the log has been sent, please notify us and provide your App ID (“Help” > “About”).

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello Alexander,

We have sent the advanced log.
This is the ID: 3b24a1c4-2a67-4b16-902d-2517480827f3

Thanks and stay tuned in case you need more information.

Good morning.

Have you been able to check the LOG?
We look forward to hearing from you in case you need more information.


Hello Jordi,

Thank you for email and provided Logs.

Please give us some time to check the issue. Once we have any news, we’ll notify you.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello Jordi,

Thank you for your message.

It seems the file C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\MySQL-8.0.36\mysql.exe may be missing. This could be due to the antivirus or other processes deleting the file.

To resolve the issue, try specifying the path to the MySQL binaries manually. You can install MySQL Workbench and set the path to the directory containing mysql.exe and mysqldump.exe. The default path is: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Good afternoon.

After installing and configuring Advanced settings, the same connection error persists.
We have resubmitted the Advanced Log.

Thank you

Hello Jordi,

Thank you for your response.

Please try the following two checks:

Request a list of binaries and folders that we supply:

  1. Open the command line and execute the following command:
dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\*" /S
  1. Run it and send us the output.

Query the MySQL version using the same command as SQLBackupAndFTP:

  1. Open the command line console and execute the following command:
cmd.exe /Q /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\MySQL-8.0.36\mysql.exe" --host host-name --port 3306 --user "user-name" --password="user-pasword" --html --connect-timeout 30 --execute "SELECT VERSION();" "
  1. Replace host-name, user-name, and user-password with the valid credentials.
  2. Report to us whether the command executes successfully.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.


Good morning.

Here are the results of both tests:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS>dir “C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS*” /S
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0A13-50A6

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS
06/17/2024 05:27 PM .
06/17/2024 05:27 PM …
06/17/2024 05:27 PM MySQL-8.0.36
06/17/2024 05:27 PM MySQL-8.2.0
06/17/2024 05:27 PM PostgreSql
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\MySQL-8.0.36
06/17/2024 05:27 PM .
06/17/2024 05:27 PM …
11/22/2023 10:10 AM 5,150,720 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
11/22/2023 10:10 AM 776,704 libssl-3-x64.dll
12/12/2023 09:37 AM 7,126,080 mysql.exe
12/12/2023 09:37 AM 7,396,944 mysqlbinlog.exe
12/12/2023 09:37 AM 7,085,648 mysqldump.exe
12/12/2023 09:37 AM 6,301,792 mysql_config_editor.exe
6 File(s) 33,837,888 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\MySQL-8.2.0
06/17/2024 05:27 PM .
06/17/2024 05:27 PM …
09/22/2023 01:04 PM 5,153,280 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
09/22/2023 01:04 PM 778,240 libssl-3-x64.dll
10/12/2023 06:35 AM 7,159,368 mysql.exe
10/12/2023 06:35 AM 7,434,832 mysqlbinlog.exe
10/12/2023 06:35 AM 7,123,528 mysqldump.exe
10/12/2023 06:35 AM 6,318,688 mysql_config_editor.exe
6 File(s) 33,967,936 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\PostgreSql
06/17/2024 05:27 PM .
06/17/2024 05:27 PM …
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 4,562,944 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 1,851,113 libiconv-2.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 475,769 libintl-9.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 118,784 liblz4.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 326,144 libpq.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 775,168 libssl-3-x64.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 52,736 libwinpthread-1.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 710,656 libzstd.dll
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 476,160 pg_dump.exe
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 256,512 pg_restore.exe
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 595,456 psql.exe
12/01/2023 12:25 PM 89,600 zlib1.dll
12 File(s) 10,291,042 bytes

Total Files Listed:
24 File(s) 78,096,866 bytes
11 Dir(s) 7,729,123,328 bytes free

The system cannot find the path specified.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| 10.4.32-MariaDB-log |

Thank you

Hello Jordi,

Thank you for your response and details.

We suggest you install the MariaDB client from this link and specify the path to MySQL bin folder of the installed client in the connection settings of SQLBackupAndFTP like this: C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.4\bin.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let us know.