We are receiving the following error when we use 7-zip compression method, but not when we use zip compression method.
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Starting job "Backup Job - 1 " - “Full”. Computer “SEMS-TS01”. App v.“11.6.3”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM The backup folder “K:\Backup\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup” has “43.547GB” free space. The temporary folder “K:\Backup\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup” has “43.547GB” free space
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Backing up “olhesql\sems” LocalSqlServer databases
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Getting maximum file size…
5/23/2018 1:54 PM The maximum file size: “”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Backing up “kern” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Disabled”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM “kern” database backup successfully completed. Backup type: “Full”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Database “kern” successfully backed up to “kern201805231354.bak : 153.251MB”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Compressing “kern201805231354.bak” file with 7zip archiver. Encryption: “Off”
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Failed to backup “kern” database with “Full” backup type: 7-zip archiver error. > Could not find a part of the path ‘K:\Backup\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\kern201805231354.bak’.
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Cleaning up backups of "Backup Job - 1 " job
5/23/2018 1:54 PM Job "Backup Job - 1 " finished with “1” errors
does anyone know what would cause this?