Very big database supports

What is the largest database supports sqlbackupandftp?
Can a 4 TB in one file?
What large the temporary directory need for this work?

Hi Ivan,

With SQLBackupAndFTP you can backup databases with any size.

SQLBackupAndFTP creates backups using Standard T-SQL Commands. If the compression option is disabled then 4 TB free space on your drive will be enough. If you use the compression option then SQLBackupAndFTP

  1. Backups the database
  2. Compress the backup
  3. Uploads the compressed files
  4. Deletes backup files and compressed backup files from the temporary folder

It means that you have to have enough free space for the temporary files (a backup file and a compressed backup file).

I have the right amount of disk space.
Can I check the work for one big DB using the Free version?
I want to use “Run Now” button, without Schedule.

Sure, you can download 14-days Professional edition trial at and test it. After 14 days, it automatically converts to Free.