Trial Version - Save Backup on Google Drive

I have installed the trial for testing.

To store backups on a Google Drive I copied the link to the destination folder in the setting for a Test_Backup_Job.

Test is ok.

Protokoll says everything ok.

But on my Google Drive I can not see the saved files.

Any idea?


Thank you for the details.

To investigate this case we need more details. Could you please tell us, are you able to download your backup from your Google Drive via SQLBackupAndFTP by clicking the “Download Backup…” link?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ok … thank you.

It works like you showed in the screenshot.
I thought that I could see the files in my Google Drive.

Is it right, that the files a hidden?


Thanks for the clarifications, these files shouldn’t be hidden, perhaps you store them on another folder on your Google Drive.