Temporary Folder & .bak backups form remote SQL server


I’ve recently purchased the standard version to backup all the 500 DBs in our SQL server.

I can’t install anything on the “SQL Server” itself as I only have access to the “App Server”. I’ve then installed SQLBackupandFTP on the “App Server”, created a Backup Job as Microsoft SQL Server (local), set Temporary Folder as X:\tmp where X:\tmp is a local folder on the “SQL Server” shared and mapped on the “App Server” as X: as well.

Theoretically this would mean X: is accessible from both the SQL and App servers but unfortunately backups fail with typical “can’t find part of the path” error…

Is there anyway I can use SQLBackupandFTP to create .bak backups from a remote SQL Server without using custom scripts?



Sorry, but there is no way to do it. Please find more details about the remote backups at https://sqlbackupandftp.com/blog/remote-sql-server-backups-explained

If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.

Thank you.