Stopping a service before backup

Sorry, but can someone guide me on how to stop and start a service pre and post backup using the custom scripts option.

Hello Richard_Hamblin,

Sorry, but with SQLBackupAndFTP, there is no way to do it. But you can try to use Windows Scheduler.

Could you please clarify why do you need it?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Alexander. We have a service which is running that fails during the backup. I want to be able to stop it befoire the backup and start it again after the backup. I was hoping to use just a NET STOP and NET START in 2 .bat files and run them in the custom scripts option because it mentioned running a .bat file.
So is this not possible?

Hi Richard_Hamblin,

Thank you for the details.

You can add the needed .bat scripts that will be run before and after backup jobs at the “Run custom scripts” section.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Hi Alexander,
Thanks for the reply, I was after the format for entering the batch process to run in custom scripts section.
Do i just type the name of the batch file?

Hi Richard_Hamblin,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, you can do it.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Thank you.