SQL database error

Hi Support,

i am using Application version is: “11.3.5”. Trying to backup the database throwing an error message. please find the below in detail.

Failed to backup “XXXX” database with “Full” backup type: Cannot open backup device ‘E:\dbtemp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\vtvhmain201711221735.bak’. Operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

  • List item

the SQL user has full rights of the folder & on the services SQL Logon tab this account is enabled login details are correct.
Temp database folder also granted full access. still failing the backups.

Thanks for your support.


Hi Venkat,

Could you please clarify, have you installed SQLBackupAndFTP on the same computer where SQL Server is installed?

Hi… i have the same problem
The App is installed in a different server

A: - Server with SQLBackUpAndFTP v 11.4.1
B: - Server with SQLServer 2005
C: - Server NAS with public Temp folder

Execute in A connecting to B, with destination C
StoreBackUp: \\Temp\SQL
TemporaryFolder; \\Temp\

I find in \\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\ManagerNet201801191154.bak and then file exist !!!


19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Starting job “Backup Job - 2” - “Full”. Computer “MV988”. App v.“11.4.1”
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. The backup folder is “\\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”. The temporary folder is “\\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Backing up “” SQL Server databases
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Getting maximum file size…
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. The maximum file size: “”
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Backing up “ManagerNet” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Disabled”
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. “ManagerNet” database backup successfully completed. Backup type: “Full”
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Failed to backup “ManagerNet” database with “Full” backup type: No se pudo encontrar el archivo ‘\\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\ManagerNet201801191154.bak’.
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Cleaning up backups of “Backup Job - 2” job
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Job “Backup Job - 2” finished with “1” errors
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Sending job log to it@upsoft.com.ar
19/01/2018 11:54 a.m. Sending report to ${https://sqlbackupandftp.com/weblog?jobid=6fec5c06-50ca-46e9-a334-721af8c2c0f1|Web Log}

To resolve this issue please install SQLBackupAndFTP on the same computer where SQL Server is installed.

Currently, SQLBackupAndFTP cannot perform remote backups, but we plan to add this option soon.

In this version I need one licence per SQL server? or is a bug ?

Yes, by default one license can be used only on one server.

Please install it on the computer where SQL Server is installed and try again.


Remote backup is rolling out automatically in SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.4.2. If you don’t have it updated yet, just wait a day or two. To do a remote backup, on “Connect” window select “Remote SQL Server” in “Server Type” field.

Thanks… I download 11.4.2

Now i have this problem

08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Starting job “BK Remoto ServerUS5” - “Full”. Computer “MV988”. App v.“11.4.3”
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. The backup folder is “\\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”. The temporary folder is “\\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Backing up “serverus5” Remote SQL Server databases
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Getting maximum file size…
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. The maximum file size: “”
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Backing up “ManagerNet” database to .sql file
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Prefetching objects of ManagerNet database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting ManagerNet database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting users and roles of ManagerNet database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting schemas of ManagerNet database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting user defined types of ManagerNet database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Failed to backup “ManagerNet” database with “Full” backup type: This method or property is accessible only while working against SQL Server 2008 or later.
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Backing up “ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica” database to .sql file
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Prefetching objects of ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting users and roles of ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting schemas of ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Scripting user defined types of ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica database
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Failed to backup “ManagerNet_ModuloFacturaElectronica” database with “Full” backup type: This method or property is accessible only while working against SQL Server 2008 or later.
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Cleaning up backups of “BK Remoto ServerUS5” job
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Job “BK Remoto ServerUS5” finished with “2” errors
08/02/2018 11:19 a.m. Sending job log to it@upsoft.com.ar

My remote server ron SQL 2005…
Exists an option to disable “Full” backup ?? or is not compatible with older versions

Thanks in advance


Thanks for the details.

This method or property is accessible only while working against SQL Server 2008 or later.


To resolve the issue, could you please open “Microsoft SQL Server Remote Backup Options” and disabled “User Defined Types”.

Sorry for the inconvenience.