Script to change TimeZone inside database after backup


Can anyone here help me how to change the time_zone in the backup .sql file after backup?

because after download the database from online server I need to restore it to my local pc. For now i just change the time_zone manually. But if this can be done by software then it’s help me a lot. I need to change the time_zone from 00:00 to +08:00 in order to make the timestamp to work correctly in my local pc. how to do that with script after the backup?

I need to change the time zone inside the backed up .sql file as per below ;

SET time_zone = “00:00”;

change to

SET time_zone = “+08:00”;

appreciate if someone can help me to solve my problem… tq


Sorry, but there is no way to do it via SQLBackupAndFTP.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.