I need help about the following error:
" [Error] Failed to backup “XXXXXX” database with “Full” backup type: mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don’t want to restore GTIDs, pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events.
mysqldump: Error: ‘Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation’ when try…ldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE sacarDePDI
mysqldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE tablaDinamica
mysqldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE trazaArticulo
mysqldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE trazaRetiro
mysqldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE seeOmitted
mysqldump: test2 has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE seeFee
! "
I create a user, I give him all privileges to his database so he can administer it, I don’t give him any global privileges, because he could see other databases that share the host.
I configure SQLbuckUPandFTP and everything is ok.
testing I found that I can complete the backup by removing these privileges:
but if I add one of them the same error occurs again.
If any of you had this happen to you and how can I fix it.