PostgreSQL 14 server version mismatch


I am getting the following error. What is the proper way to resolve it?
SQLBackupAndFTP version 12.6.14.
Application ID: 4d8e6201-7c59-4590-ad35-cc80608e1d66

ERROR: Failed to backup “xxx” database with “Full” backup type: C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\DBMS\PostgreSql\pg_dump.exe process has finished with “1” code. The error message: “pg_dump: error: server version: 14.1 (Ubuntu 14.1-2.pgdg20.04+1); pg_dump version: 13.4 pg_dump: error: aborting because of server version mismatch”.

Hi Szergej_Bukovszkij,

To resolve the issue, please specify the path to your bin folder.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Thank you!