New Bug after 3 weeks on new version

I recently installed version 11.4.0 to resolve a back up issue to Google Drive. That worked until last night when I started receiving this error…

• 6:04:09 PM : ERROR: Destination error: [DST-6:1103#2] Failed to upload “C:\tempBackup\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\” file to “C__INETPUB_PARTECHTRANS_APP_DATA_STRINGSDB.MDF” folder. > Object must be an array of primitives. Parameter name: dest

I will submit a log file, please look for it shortly.

thank you,


Yes, we have received your logs, thank you. Please give us some time to investigate this case.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

same problem:
Object must be an array of primitives.
Parameter name: dest

Sorry for the inconvenience.

We are still working to resolve this issue.

My backup has been working fine since first of September 2017, upgraded to new version and now I am having same error as noted above.

Destination error: [DST-6:1103#2] Failed to upload “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\” file to “Database-Backup” folder. > Object must be an array of primitives.

Have sent the developer my advanced log.
Can you please assist with this issue…



Sorry, but still we can not reproduce this issue. Could you please download and install the version of SQLBackupAndFTP from the attachment and check if it resolves the issue?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi, I also have the same problem. (I am uploading to Onedrive)
I installed the version above but still have the issue.
In my case this is a new install.

10:39:40 am Destination error: [DST-6:1103#2] Failed to upload “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\” file to “SQLBACKUP” folder. > Object must be an array of primitives. Parameter name: dest

I also have this problem. Unfortunately also with the version from the Dropbox


We have fixed this issue, please update your SQLBackupAndFTP application to the latest version - version 11.4.1 and check if it resolves the issue? You can do it by clicking “Help” > “Check for Update…”.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

great, thank you. now it’s working. Today I am turning my free version into a paid version.

Good news! Thanks for the feedback. Please feel free to contact us on any issues or concerns.