NAS Storage Location (WebDav)

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’m currently using SQLBackupAndFTP to backup two databases of an application.
I’ve setup a QNAP NAS at home, on which I would like to store the backups.

The NAS is only accessible via WebDav (HTTPS) and not via an UNC path…
I can’t select the WebDav path as a storage location for the backup, any ideas how to use WebDav with this tool?

Best regards and thanks in advance!

Hi Yannic,

Sorry, but(WebDav) is not supported by SQLBackupAndFTP.

Please consider setting up FTP\SSH\S3 on your NAS Drive. SQLBackupAndFTP interactions with these protocols without any issues.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Thank you!