Mail Server Settings Error


I am trying to use a custom mail server and I am getting the following:

One or more recipients rejected. Call SmtpException.GetRejectedRecipients() to get a collection of rejected email addresses.

I have used the same mail server settings on another install and it works there. Any ideas?

Hi Chris,

To investigate this issue we need more details. Could you please send us the advanced log? Here are more details on how to do it:

Please let us know when the log will be sent, also, please provide us with your Application ID (“Help” > “About”).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Alexander,

I’ve sent the log, application ID is: 827745b0-cb74-4090-b7c4-938d6c541fae


Hi Chris,

Thank you for the logs we have checked them.

It seems that during the sending of an email the request was rejected.

  1. Could you please clarify, are you able to send a test email?
  2. We can find more details if you can provide us with test access to your SMTP Server. To make it private please send the details to
  3. Also, if you can, please send to our support team the logs of your email server.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Alexander

Thanks for looking into this. It turns out Office 365 is blocking this particular IP despite it being whitelisted within our tenant.

I’ve got them to remove it and everything works.

Thank you for all your help :slight_smile:

Hi Chris,

Good news! Thank you for your reply.

Please feel free to contact us on any issues or concerns.