Got issues with AWS S3 and S3 custom

Hi there, i just installed SBF and and the AWS S3 as destination and got this error

Then i switch to S3 custom and filled the AWS S3 info and the test working, The test job working too.
But when i try to run the backup use the S3, SBF can not complete the job. It tried many times and got this error.

[Warning] Destination error: One or more errors occurred. > A WebException with status RequestCanceled was thrown.

it tried 4 times then the job stop.

i saw SBF using network resource but at the end, got error message.

So the problem came from filebase or SBF ? cause AWS S3 working good

Hello Nguyen_Tan_Linh,

To address the issue, we require additional information. Could you please attempt to manually connect to your destination using an S3 browser and verify if you can establish a connection?

If you have any further inquiries, kindly inform us.

Thank you, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I got the problem, cause the s3 provider limit file upload to Https just 5GB/file. Btw can SBF have option to upload though aws cli, it will not meet the requirement like that.

Hello Nguyen_Tan_Linh,

Could you please clarify your request? If you need to split your backup file before uploading it to the destination, you can do it in the advanced compression settings.


If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Thank you for using SQLBackupAndFTP.