I was hoping you could add in Google Cloud Storage as a backup destination.
Note that this is different to Google Drive, as Cloud Storage is on the paid Google Cloud Platform, similar to Amazon S3 and Azure Storage (which I see you already have!)
I have set up my own *.bat script to upload there, but the problem with doing it this way is that the backup destination has to be set to a local disk location as well, which takes up space.
I’ve included the steps here so you can see it should be fairly easy to add
Uploading to Cloud Storage:
create a GC VM, use a SQL Server Windows image. Under Service Account permissions, set Cloud Storage to “Read Write”. Take note of the Service Account email address.
create a GC Storage bucket, take note of the bucket name. Add the VM’s service account email to the new bucket with Creator permission
login to the VM, and from the command prompt you can now run: gsutil -q cp database.bak gs://your-bucket-name/ to upload a file to the bucket
Google Cloud is still on todo list while we are working on tasks with higher priorities. The reason for it is that in our estimation Google Cloud will be used by a very small number of users. This was still sufficient to get approved and get on the plan to be done, but task’s priority was low - hence the delay. Our apologies, we understand it is important to you, but we can not give you a good ETA on this.