Feature request : modify jobx file

I’m interested in the possibility to pilot SQLBACKUPANDFTP from another server.
My idea is to dump the current jobx file corresponding to the jobs configuration, alter it and then import it.
When i’m opening the file it seems to be encrypted which avoids me to create this functionality.
Is there another way to achieve that that i’m not aware of ? Or is there a way to request a feature for the file to be decrypted ?


Hello Thomas,

Could you please let us know which version of SQLBackupAndFTP you are currently using?

Please note that SQLBackupAndFTP version 12 allows you to import/export backup job settings via the “Tools” > “Configuration Manager” option.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your answer.
I’m running ver. 12.7.14 Professional and i saw this option. §But when i’m trying to open the file to edit it, it’s unreadable. It must be encrypted.
We would like to be able to pilot your solution with an editable config file followed by a restart of the service, or via an execution of your solution with some parameters like C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\SBF.Application.exe --newjob --name backup5 --host= --login=root --password=toor --bd=all …
Do you have currently any means to do something like that ? To not have to use the UI to create or modify a job ?


Hello Fabien_TACHE,

Thank you for the details. To cover your scenario, we suggest using our other product, SqlBak. It allows for dynamically creating jobs. You can learn more about deploying SqlBak automatically via the command prompt here: How to deploy SqlBak app automatically - SqlBak Blog

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!

Thank you.
Does this solution works with SQLBACKUPANDFTP or is it a different solution entirely ?
If it is a different solution, can i import my old backups from SQLBACKUPANDFTP into SqlBak ?


Hello Fabien_TACHE,

We are sorry, but SQLBackupAndFTP and SqlBak are two different applications, and it is not possible to transfer jobs between them.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.