Error select Database to restore

When you restart the server, the database manually selected for restoration adds the information back to the name of the database, is there any resource to fix the information when you need to restart?

Any idea?

I’m Brazilian and I don’t speak fluent English, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

Hello Publi_SQL,

We have just released the Alpha edition, which can be downloaded from Could you please install it and check if it works for you?

If you still encounter the same issue, please go to your restore job and ensure that the destination settings are properly configured. Also, double-check if you have specified the correct path.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hello Alexander,

I installed the alpha version, restarted the server and it didn’t lose the configured database.
Thanks for your help.

Hello Publi_SQL,

That’s great news! Thank you for keeping us informed.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further issues or concerns. We’re here to help.