Error connecting to sql server on scheduled job ONLY ("\" replaced with "-" inside the log)

When I run it manualy it work ok. As a scheduled job gives an error . I used to work ok for months, nothing changed since. Test connection succeeds .

run 05-Jan-22 3:00:16 AM by Administrator

SqlBackupAndFtp Lite at VPS1673899 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) (.NET: 2.0.50727.4927, 3.0.30729.4926, 3.5.30729.4926, 4.7.3062,
Job name: E:-OneDrive-s1auto-SQL-FTP-sql-backup-ftp.jobx


01/05/2022 03:00:16 ERROR: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
SQL Server: “”.
01/05/2022 03:00:16 ERROR: Job finished (With Errors)

run 04-Jan-22 10:28:58 PM by Administrator

SqlBackupAndFtp Lite (started manually) at VPS1673899 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) (.NET: 2.0.50727.4927, 3.0.30729.4926, 3.5.30729.4926, 4.7.3062,
Job name: E:-OneDrive-s1auto-SQL-FTP-sql-backup-ftp.jobx

Database S1DATA: Folder - Success, Google Drive - Success
Folder backup: Folder - Success, Google Drive - Success

01/04/2022 21:30:04 Creating backup of S1DATA to C:-Program Files-Microsoft SQL Server-MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS-MSSQL-Backup (full)
01/04/2022 21:30:49 Compressing (internal zip, Level: Highest) S1DATA202201042130.bak (Size: 6,907,830 KB) to C:-Users-Administrator-AppData-Local-Temp-2-Pranas.NET-SQLBackupAndFTP-a3zldog1
01/04/2022 21:59:16 Compression completed (archive: “”, size: 708,462 KB)
01/04/2022 21:59:16 Connecting to E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 21:59:16 Uploading to E:-OneDrive-s1auto (
01/04/2022 21:59:19 Remote file size has been successfully verified
01/04/2022 21:59:19 Disconnecting from E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 21:59:19 Connecting to Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 21:59:20 Uploading to Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data (
01/04/2022 21:59:39 Remote file size has been successfully verified
01/04/2022 21:59:39 Disconnecting from Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 21:59:39 Removing from C:-Users-Administrator-AppData-Local-Temp-2-Pranas.NET-SQLBackupAndFTP-a3zldog1
01/04/2022 21:59:39 Compressing (internal zip, Level: Highest) E:-backup to
01/04/2022 22:28:18 Compression completed (archive: “”, size: 1,476,559 KB)
01/04/2022 22:28:18 Connecting to E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 22:28:18 Uploading to E:-OneDrive-s1auto (
01/04/2022 22:28:22 Remote file size has been successfully verified
01/04/2022 22:28:22 Disconnecting from E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 22:28:22 Connecting to Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 22:28:23 Uploading to Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data (
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Remote file size has been successfully verified
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Disconnecting from Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Removing from C:-Users-Administrator-AppData-Local-Temp-2-Pranas.NET-SQLBackupAndFTP-a3zldog1
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Delete temporary folder: “C:-Users-ADMINI~1-AppData-Local-Temp-2-Pranas.NET-SQLBackupAndFTP-a3zldog1”
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Cleaning E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Connecting to E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Cleaning destination folder
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Disconnecting from E:-OneDrive-s1auto
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Cleaning Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Connecting to Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Cleaning destination folder
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Disconnecting from Google Drive:gropaz gropaz: s1data
01/04/2022 22:28:58 Job finished

run 04-Jan-22 3:00:16 AM by Administrator

SqlBackupAndFtp Lite at VPS1673899 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) (.NET: 2.0.50727.4927, 3.0.30729.4926, 3.5.30729.4926, 4.7.3062,
Job name: E:-OneDrive-s1auto-SQL-FTP-sql-backup-ftp.jobx


01/04/2022 03:00:16 ERROR: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
SQL Server: “”.
01/04/2022 03:00:16 ERROR: Job finished (With Errors)

Why does it take 4 days for one answer please?


Community is the place where all our customers can ask questions related to SQLBackupAndFTP and receive suggestions on resolving the issues from our other customers.

All users who use the latest release of SQLBackupAndFTP with an active Full-Service subscription can receive support directly from our team.

We have checked the log you posted, and noticed that you use a very old version - version 10 that is no longer supported. We recommend you upgrade to the latest release - version 12.6.9 and check if the issue is resolved Download SQLBackupAndFTP - SQL Server Backup Software

The only recommendation for version 10 we can provide you with is to specify your User name and password at the advanced schedule settings.

If there is anything we can help you with, please let us know.

Thank you!