Decimal separator

When you generate a backup, the decimal fields are generated with “,” instead of “.”, on import the bank understands that it is another column.


Insert into TableTest (Id, Description, Price) values (1, ‘Test’, 15, 33);


Insert into TableTest (Id, Description, Price) values (1, ‘Test’, 15.33);


Insert into TableTest (Id, Description, Price) values (1, ‘Test’, CAST(15.33 AS Decimal(9, 2));


Could you please clarify what version of SQLBackupAndFTP do you use?


I resolved by changing the regional settings and languages ​​of my machine (Windows).

The app is fantastic, but should not always do the casting in decimal value?

Good news. Thank you for the feedback.

Could you please clarify do you backup SQL Server databases?

Sqlserver 2008

Jefté Goes

Thanks for the clarification.

Could you please tell us, do you get any error messages during the backup? If yes, please send us the full text of this error message or a screenshot of this issue.