Cannot create remote sql server full backup

Cannot create MS SQL DB Full backup, because software errors on all DB. Locally on that server i can create full backup, but i need to create it from remote server. It does not matter if i use system acc or windows account. same error

  • 9:00:47 AM : Starting job "Vikarina " - “Full”. Server “NAV-SQL”. System account “SYSTEM@xxxxxx”. App v.“12.7.10”.
  • 9:00:47 AM : Connecting to “Remote SQL Server”: “xxx”.
  • 9:00:47 AM : Connected to “2014 SP3 Express Edition (64-bit)”.
  • 9:00:48 AM : The backup folder is “[\xxx\SQLBackups\Vikarina]
    (file://xxx/SQLBackups/Vikarina)”. The temporary folder is “[\xxx\SQLBackups\Vikarina](file://xxx/SQLBackups/Vikarina)”.
  • 9:00:48 AM : Backing up “xxxx” Remote SQL Server databases.
  • 9:00:48 AM : Backing up “master” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:48 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “master” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_master_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:48 AM : Backing up “model” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:48 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “model” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_model_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:49 AM : Backing up “msdb” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:49 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “msdb” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_msdb_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:49 AM : Backing up “xxxx” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:49 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “xxx” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_xxxx_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:49 AM : Backing up “xxxx” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:49 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “xxxx” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_xxxx_EU_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:50 AM : Backing up “xxxx” with “Full” backup type.
  • 9:00:50 AM : ERROR: Failed to backup “xxxx” database with “Full” backup type: One or more errors occurred. > Cannot drop the database ‘SQLBackupAndFTP_xxxx_SNAPSHOT’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
  • 9:00:50 AM : Cleaning up backups of "Vikarina " job.
  • 9:00:51 AM : Deleting temporary files.
    9:00:51 AM : ERROR: Job "Vikarina " finished with “6” errors

There are no logs to point where exactly is the issue.

Hello Aleksandr_Bijenko,

The error message you get indicates that the user under which you connect to your DBMS does not have privileges to drop the snapshot. You can either grant the appropriate privileges. Or disable “Create database snapshot” option.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.