Backup não realizado. Espaço insuficiente

Bom dia, tenho alguns bancos que faço backup diariamente, mas tive de mudar o servidor e instalei novamente o programa nesse novo servidor. Instalei a licença e tudo o mais.
Ao agendar o backup, um dos bancos, o maior, não é executado. Todos os outros passam, menos esse. Acusa espaço insuficiente. Tenho 338 Gb de espaço no hd onde esta instalado o meu Sql Server.
Essa é a mensagem

30/04/2020 01:49:03 [Error] Falha no backup do banco de dados “Piraque” com “Full” tipo de backup: Exceder erro arquivador > An I/O exception occurred while copying the data from the item to its destination.
Type: Xceed.FileSystem.DiskFile
FullName: F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Piraque202004300004.bak > Espaço insuficiente no disco.

No sarvidor anterior, tinha mais de 900Gb.


According to the error message you get, there is no enough free space on your drive.

SQLBackupAndFTP works in the following way:

  1. Creates a backup file into a temporary folder
  2. Compresses the backup file into the temporary folder
  3. The backup file is removed after the compression is done
  4. Sends the compressed backup file to the selected destination places
  5. Removes the compressed backup file from the temporary folder.

It means that you have to have enough free space to store your backup file and your compressed backup file at the same time.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.