Backup from an other computer

Hi everyone
l’m using 11.3.1 standard on server
I can backup sql on same computer without problem.
But I’m trying to backup on other sql server
I used temp folder \\BackupSqlTemp. The file .bak is created on this server but not found after.
I tried d:\BackupSqlTemp and even system temp folder without success.
I’m a sysadmin on bd and domain adminds on both computer the temp folder is shared with domain admins.

2018-03-22 8:33 PM Starting job “Backup Job - 3” with backup type “Full”. The computer name: “”. The application version: “11.3.1”
2018-03-22 8:33 PM The backup folder of the job is “\\BackupSqlTemp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”. The temporary folder of the job is “\\BackupSqlTemp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup”
2018-03-22 8:33 PM Backing up “\spx” SQL Server databases
2018-03-22 8:33 PM Getting maximum file size…
2018-03-22 8:33 PM The maximum file size: “”
2018-03-22 8:33 PM Backing up “Venture” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Disabled”
2018-03-22 8:33 PM “Venture” database backup successfully completed. Backup type: “Full”
2018-03-22 8:33 PM Failed to backup “Venture” database with “Full” backup type: Le fichier ‘\\BackupSqlTemp\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup\Venture201803222033.bak’ not found

Hi Daniel,

Sorry, but with the help of SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.3.1, you cannot perform remote backups. The “remote backup” option has been added starting from SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.5.

To backup remote SQL Server database please use the latest version of SQLBackupAndFTP - version 11.5.2. You can download it at

Also, please find more details on how to backup remote SQL Server database using SQLBackupAndFTP at