Backup Failing With the Following Error

Hi My Backup is failing with the following error.

30/03/2023 15:04 Failed to backup “MyDatabase” database with “Full” backup type: ${|#[DBMS-MYSQL:11006#11007]} mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SELECT COLUMN_NAME, JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, ‘$.“number-of-buckets-specified”’) FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ‘forwardoffice’ AND TABLE_NAME = ‘abc_tariff’;’: Unknown table ‘column_statistics’ in information_schema (1109)
mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SELECT COLUMN_NAME, JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, ‘$.“number-of-buckets-specified”’) FROM…tion_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ‘forwardoffice’ AND TABLE_NAME = ‘zip_codes’;’: Unknown table ‘column_statistics’ in information_schema (1109)
mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SELECT COLUMN_NAME, JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, ‘$.“number-of-buckets-specified”’) FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ‘forwardoffice’ AND TABLE_NAME = ‘zone_models’;’: Unknown table ‘column_statistics’ in information_schema (1109)

Not sure why the software is trying to query that table. I have run the query in MySQL Workbench and I get the following result:

14:01:12 SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=‘information_schema’ AND TABLE_NAME=‘column_statistics’ LIMIT 0, 1000 0 row(s) returned 0.000 sec / 0.000 sec

The query runs ok.

Help Appreciated

Hello David_North,

Please find more details on how to resolve the issue at [DBMS-MSSQL:11006#11007] MySQL backup error: unknown variable ‘column-statistics=0’ | SQLBackupAndFTP's blog

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.