1st Full Backup Failed

Dear Sir,

I’m newbies to this SQLBackupAndFTP product. After downloaded and successfully setting up the backup schedule, I ran it but failed. It said

11/17/2017 9:50 AM Starting job “Backup Job - 1” with backup type “Full”. The computer name: “UM-FS-VM-W2016”. The application version: “11.3.5”
11/17/2017 9:50 AM The backup folder of the job is “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.EPOSERVER\MSSQL\Backup” with “35.449GB” free space. The temporary folder of the job is “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SQLBackupAndFTP\backup” with “35.449GB” free space
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Backing up “ANTIVIRUS-SVR\EPOSERVER” SQL Server databases
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Getting maximum file size…
11/17/2017 9:50 AM The maximum file size: “”
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Backing up “ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR” database to .bak file. Backup type: “Full”. Checksum: “Disabled”
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Verifying “ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR” database backup
11/17/2017 9:50 AM “ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR” database backup successfully completed. Backup type: “Full”
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Failed to backup “ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR” database with “Full” backup type: Could not find file ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.EPOSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR201711170950.bak’.
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Cleaning up backups of “Backup Job - 1” job
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Job “Backup Job - 1” finished with “1” errors
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Sending job log to jeffrey.ooi@pentamaster.com.my
11/17/2017 9:50 AM Sending report to ${https://sqlbackupandftp.com/weblog?jobid=7be2d294-c69e-4408-96de-8c5cb97d1e12|Web Log}

Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much

Hello Jeffrey,

Could you please make sure that the user on behalf you try to backup your SQL Server databases has enough rights to the following folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.EPOSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

Hello Alexander,

Thank you for the reply.

The user I’m using was domain administrator user

Thank you

Hi Jeffrey,

Could you please tell us, has this issue been resolved?

Hi Alexander,

No is not resolved. I’m still facing problem not to able to backup my 1st copy SQL data.

  1. I installed the SQLBackupAndFTP in PC1
  2. SQL data is in Server1
  3. Grant domain administrator right for C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.EPOSERVER\MSSQL\Backup
  4. Run SQLBackupAndFTP but failed all the time with error message [ERROR: Failed to backup “ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR” database with “Full” backup type: Could not find file ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.EPOSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\ePO_ANTIVIRUS-SVR201711210005.bak’.]

I hope someone can help as I’m evaluating this software.

Hi Alexander,

FYI, I installed the SQLBackupAndFTP on the machine that have MS SQL installed and run the backup. Surprisingly it able to backup successfully.

Don’t tell me that SQLBackupAndFTP only worked when it installed in the same machine as MS SQL installed and not on other machine (backup across network)

Hello Jeffrey,

Sorry, but SQLBackupAndFTP version 11 cannot perform a remote backup. [Correction: as of Feb 2018 remote backups are included again] Please install and use SQLBackupAndFTP version 11 on the same computer where SQL Server is installed.

Hello Alexander,

My guess is right, SQLBackupAndFTP cannot perform remote backup.

Yes, you are right, sorry.

No problem, it’s okay. I try to look for alternative solution.

Thank you.

Please feel free to contact us on any issues or concerns.

hello alexander,
If i want backup from remote computer…what version can do it ?



Sorry, but currently SQLBackupAndFTP cannot create remote backups. We are working to add this options soon.


Remote backup is rolling out automatically in SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.4.2. If you don’t have it updated yet, just wait a day or two. To do a remote backup, on “Connect” window select “Remote SQL Server” in “Server Type” field.

Thanks for info. This feature is required. Will wait.


This feature has been added. Please make sure that you use the latest version of SQLBackupAndFTP version 11.6.3.

To perform a remote backup please select “Remote SQL Server” at the “Status type” box at the “Connect to Server” window.