Disk I/O Error During SQL Database Backup: TraceBackupLog Method Failure

Issue Summary:
Encountered a disk I/O error while performing a scheduled SQL Server database backup. The issue has occurred twice—once during a FULL backup and another during a Transaction Log backup.

Error Details:

  • Error Message:
Failed to backup "clientname_db" database with "Full" backup type: Local routines database error. Method: "TraceBackupLog". Message: Local routines database error. Method: "GetRecordWithKey". Message: disk I/O error
  • Occurrences:
    • Jan 14th 21:15: Full Backup
    • Jan 15th 01:45: Transaction Log Backup


  • SQL Server Version: 2017 RTM Web Edition (64-bit)
  • Backup Tool/App Version: 12.7.27
  • Storage Details:
    • Backup Folder: C:\bbdd\MSSQL14.SQL2017\MSSQL\Backup (179.774 GB free)
    • Temporary Folder: C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\... (179.774 GB free)


  1. What might cause this disk I/O error?
  2. How can I resolve or mitigate the issue to prevent future occurrences?


14/01/2025 20:15 Starting scheduled job "CopiaBBDD núvol " - “Full”. Server “clientname”. System account “SYSTEM@WORKGROUP”. App v.“12.7.27”.
14/01/2025 20:15 Connecting to “SQL Server”: “(default)”.
14/01/2025 20:15 Connected to “2017 RTM Web Edition (64-bit)”.
14/01/2025 20:15 The backup folder “C:\bbdd\MSSQL14.SQL2017\MSSQL\Backup” has “179,774GB” free space. The temporary folder “C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEM\Pranas.NET\SBF\73325285-5a27-473e-b0c1-354b8c92b616” has “179,774GB” free space.
14/01/2025 22:30 Backing up “clientname_db” with “Full” backup type.
14/01/2025 22:31 Database “clientname_db” successfully backed up to “C:\bbdd\MSSQL14.SQL2017\MSSQL\Backup\clientname_SANED202501142330.bak : 13,267GB”.
14/01/2025 22:31 Compressing “C:\bbdd\MSSQL14.SQL2017\MSSQL\Backup\clientname_db202501142330.bak” file with Internal archiver. Encryption: “Off”.
14/01/2025 22:42 Failed to backup “clientname_db” database with “Full” backup type: Local routines database error. Method: “TraceBackupLog”. Message: Local routines database error. Method: “GetRecordWithKey”. Message: disk I/O error
disk I/O error

Has this issue occurred before?
I have checked on the forums and even online and could not find any about this same error.

I do not think it has to do with Database size as it crashes as well with a Transaction Log Backup of not even 200kb.

It only happens with one of the databases in the job as well, so it’s not a general issue either.

Not sure what other details I could provide, feeling stumped at the moment.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can shed a bit of light with this issue.


Thank you for your message.

The error you are experiencing is not directly related to backups or SQL Server.

SqlBackupAndFTP uses an SQLite database to store backup job settings and logs. The error occurs when attempting to write to this SQLite database. It is likely that the database is either corrupted or there are issues with writing to it.

We recommend checking your disk for errors using the CHKDSK utility.

If the issue persists, consider the following steps:

  1. Export your configuration.
  2. Completely uninstall the application (ensuring the option to delete all data is selected).
  3. Reinstall the application and import your configuration.

If the problem continues, it is possible that the SQLite database files are irreparably damaged. In this case, the only solution would be to completely remove the application and reconfigure your backup jobs from scratch.

There’s no need to worry about losing your existing backups—if you specify the same backup directories, the application will detect the old backups and manage them according to your configured retention settings.


I’ve noticed something odd with our SQLite database, as the error seems to occur randomly. For example, since my last post, there haven’t been any issues at all.

We’re currently unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.

Aside from corruption errors, what other factors could lead to these types of SQLite errors?

Thanks in advance for any insights!


Thank you for your response.

The error message “disk I/O error” clearly indicates an issue with the disk. Unfortunately, we don’t have any other ideas at this time.

Please check the disk for possible issues.