Database name conflicts with another backup name at the same time. Please run the job at another time


We’re using your tool to create remote MSSQL back-ups. The software is attempting to create the necessary back-ups, but most of the back-ups fail with the following error:

6-4-2021 01:20:35 [Error] Skipping “[Database Name]” database backup. Reason: Failed to backup “[Database Name]” database. Database name conflicts with another backup name at the same time 6-4-2021 01:20:00. Please run the job at another time.

We’re using this tool to back-up about 100 locations at night who are using the same database names and schemes. We tried to create a back-up scheme with a 1 minute difference but it often shows up the same error.

What’s the best way to solve this?

Thank you in advance!

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Just posted the same issue today. Hope this can be fixed soon.

Hello guys,

We have just released SQLBackupAndFTP version 12.5.5 with the fix of the issue. Your application should be upgraded automatically, or you can do it manually by clicking “Help” > “Check for Updates”. Could you please make sure that you use that release and check if it works for you?

Sorry for the inconvenience.